Sunday, 5 May 2013

No time to breathe (or sleep)

It's been a hectic week. Who am I kidding? It's been a hectic life, or so it seems. I love being busy so I'm not complaining. I can't complain either, because it's all my fault. Between play dates and social events for the kids, swimming lessons, sports classes, taking them to parks and on walks and everywhere else because the weather's so nice and playing games and reading to them, I don't have much time for the rest of the day. And that's only the kid stuff.

There's also my commitment to go to the gym at least three times a week, doing yoga and exercise at home too, baking healthy snacks for the boys instead of giving them processed stuff, making a homemade dinner almost every night, daily cleaning, spring cleaning cleaning and trying to eradicate the day lilies in our back yard. Oh, and my writing. I've got an article I want to finish in the next day or two and I'm submitting at least two new short stories each month for possible publication, as well as a minimum of five articles or proposals to several different magazines.

And don't forget weekends. Weekends are supposed to be the time for getting all the household errands done and having some quality family time in between that. Am I forgetting anything? I think so but my brain is so tired that my readers will have to forgive me for that.

I definitely know why people take vacations, and I for one am looking forward to the long weekend. We got free tickets to a Nascar event in a town that's close to Peterborough, and I'm trying to convince my husband we should go. Of course the tickets weren't really free, considering we got them for spending so much money, but hey, we were spending it anyway.

Of course taking two young boys for a long weekend to a race car event will not be a slow weekend, but at least it will get me away from all the never ending work here for a while. And it will be as clean when we come back as when we leave, because no one's home to make a mess! Relevant side note: that's exactly why I take the kids out so  much in the nice weather, because the house stays cleaner.

Back to the busy. Today I spent two hours digging up half of the day lilies in our yard. For those who don't know, they are an incredibly hardy species, and it takes a lot of digging. If I leave even one tiny piece of root in the ground, they'll be back in full force next month. I only had time to do half because E woke from his nap, but I'm hoping to finish it this week at some point. Then we have to cover it to choke them out so they don't grow again, because the digging is more than enough for me. I don't intend to search out every little fiber that's grown for years to find them  all, so covering them with garden canvas is our best bet. After that, we will cover them with some planters or something, to grow something that can be contained. I knew I didn't like gardening for a reason. Give me a yard full of grass and I'm happy to admire someone else' flowers.

This post is everywhere all at once, and I apologize for that. I have to fill you in though, because it's been a while and there really is a point to all these musings. The point is this: I am a busy person. I think I am a person who has to be busy, because I really don't know how to sit still and take a moment to breathe. I'm serious. I am incapable of sitting down without something to do. I manage about five seconds before I'm roaming the house looking for something to clean or bake or decorate or file.

That said, I think I've overdone it this spring. I haven't had time to file my paperwork (it hangs in my kitchen, haunting me) or clean out behind the oven (which I usually do every three months or so). That's okay though, because the house is clean (relatively) and the kids are happy. I've been told being busy keeps people looking young, but I'll let you all know if that's true when I'm old. We'll see.

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