Friday, 10 May 2013

Finally figured it out!

I feel proud of myself and a little stupid at the same time. I've been on and on about how to get good food into the boys and limit the processed junk. I can't remember all the things I've tried but I know there's been a lot. I finally found the solution though, and it's so simple and obvious I can't believe I didn't think of this years ago. Here's the new rule in our house:

Lunch and dinner include a serving of vegetables. Breakfast includes a serving of fruit. All snacks between meals are either a fruit, veggie or yogourt. Now, before everyone thinks I'm not letting my kids have any fun at all, lunch and dinner include a dessert of whatever they choose. Yes, even processed. My hope is that after a balanced meal, the chemicals and additives won't have as much of an effect.

I implemented this rule last week and J hasn't complained or argued once.  He's even eating every vegetable I put in front of him (although he's still picky about meat). There are lots of benefits to this plan and I would recommend it to any parent. It's easy, because the kids can always grab their own fruit and they never have to ask what they can have. It also ensures that they get the daily recommended 700 servings of fruit and veggies (no that's not a typo, does anyone else think the recommended serving amounts for children is ridiculous?) and they will learn to like healthy food.

As a final note I will pass on a very easy to make homemade yogourt drink. Take a large tub of fruit yogourt (Astro Original is the best) and use an immersion blender to puree it. Pour some into a cup (J likes wine glasses because it feels fancy) and add milk. Stir it up and you have a chemical and preservative-free yogourt drink. Alternately, you can just do this with vanlla yogourt and not worry about the blending.

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