Monday, 17 December 2012

Reflections on the inhuman

If you are a parent and have heard about the recent elementary school shooting in the United States, you can relate to this post. No matter how busy we all are, I think we should take a few moments in response to this inhuman catastrophe.

The first moment for me is to grieve for all those 18 children, mostly 6 and 7 years old, with all that future and potential ahead of them. Now it's gone and there is nothing that can bring it back, That's sad and I am going to be sad for them. My one boy is five, and I can't even imagine what those parents are going through. Every one of those kids was someone's brightest light, and goodbye came too soon.

My second moment is to grieve for the parents. I can't do anything to make their loss easier, and I want them all to know that they should never have had to go through that. I think it's every parent's worst nightmare to survive their own children. I only hope that they all have a strong support network and can get through this, in whatever way possible.

My third moment is to be thankful for every second I get to spend with my own children. No matter what those parents are going through I am sure they cherish the moments they did have before. And no matter where those kids are I hope they still have a sense that they were loved and appreciated. I am going to take as many moments as I can to ensure my own children know this now and forever. I can't imagine going through anything like this, and I am sure there are many parents who feel the same.

Now even though I am not religious, I am going to take my final moment to pray to whatever or whoever may be out there that these senseless massacres stop. It is not common, even with all the media sensationalism that would have us believe differently. It is not a high chance that it will ever happen to someone I know or someone they know, but to have it happen to one person is too much. It needs to stop. That's what I'm praying for.

Personally, I have only read two news articles about the shooting and can't read anymore right now. It hits too close to home.  But I can still grieve for all those lives lost in a pointless massacre. I think that no matter how busy we are as parents and workers and caregivers, we can at least offer a moment to grieve for those victims and their survivors. Even if that's all we can do.

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