My monster-sized calendar on the fridge is always full for December. I need to schedule everything, from when to send out cards and gifts to what day we are donating toys. Yesterday was Pictures with Santa Day. Hint for all those who are planning to do this: find out when Santa takes his dinner break. Usually if you go five or ten minutes before he is scheduled to return, the waiting will be minimal. Don't do it on the weekend or right after school. These are usually the busiest times in my experience.
While we were in line, my husband commented that maybe we should have dressed the kids up a bit more. There were lots of little girls in fancy dresses and boys with ties. I have no problem with my children dressing normally though. They look more natural if they are comfortable, and I wouldn't recognize either of them in fancy clothes. Besides, Santa is non-judgmental enough to love them despite their casual attire.
Of course Eddie cried for Santa. Originally, I tried to have Jimmy hold him but he almost dropped him so it was up to Santa. Eddie screamed and fought the entire time. My theory for why this is so common among young children is that Santa comes but once a year. He is unfamiliar to children so they are naturally a bit nervous of him. Jimmy's smile came out a little false, but then that's pretty normal for kids in pictures.
Directly after picking up the pictures, we stopped at the toy table to get the winter gear on again. Eddie was happily playing with wooden beads when he fell and knocked his head on the table, causing lots of blood and a black eye. At least it happened after the pictures though. He already looked tortured enough without the injury.
It makes me question which traditions are important enough to keep over the holidays. We have already left the Santa Clause Parade off my huge calendar, because it is always scheduled for the coldest day of the year and Jimmy doesn't enjoy it at all. The floats are not as fancy as they once were, I'll admit. Jimmy doesn't even like the candy they give out. He does like his picture with Santa though. In hindsight, maybe I should have let Jimmy get a picture and held off until next year for Eddie. I think he would understand when he's older the reason why.
I want to make sure that Christmas is fun for our whole family. It is a slow learning process though, and maybe once the kids are ready to move out I will have it perfected. Until then, I want to focus on having a mostly happy family, and teaching them to be generous.
This is my personal collection of parental knowledge and experience. Parenting has been one fun and educational journey so far, and I want to share my experiences and opinions with other parents. This is not a blog to tell you how to parent. This is for discussion, ideas, and sharing. You will find all sorts of ideas though to make your life a bit easier and your children happier. Try it out, and come back here often!
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