Friday, 9 August 2013

A week off....

My mom's taking the kids for a week soon. Normally, I would go spend the week with my mom too, but this time I've decided to stay home and have some time for myself. First, I will say that I'm slightly concerned about E. Of course my mom is more than capable and I know she'll show them a fun time, but E has been regressing somewhat in regards to separation anxiety. To avoid being too redundant, since I've written several times about his dependence on me, I will just say that it's nearly impossible for me to go out without him, even for twenty minutes. Or for him to go out and me to stay home.

This could be an interesting week for him, or he might surprise me and forget about me as soon as I leave. Either way, it will probably be good for him. The timing may be perfect or horrible, I'm not sure, but if he adjusts easily then perhaps when the week is over he will be a little less clingy with me.

I'm not concerned about J missing me. He's been sick of me for years and as long as I call to say good night every day he'll be fine.

With the kid concerns out of the way, now it's time to focus on myself. What on earth am I going to do for a week without my children to run around after? I have some ideas, for example, I intend to kill the back garden. There are weeds that look like lilies taking over my back yard, and every year they get worse. I have waged a war against them, but no matter how much I dig they just keep coming back. So I will spend a day leveling the garden then choking them off with plastic, before covering them with huge planters so they have nowhere to come back to. I also have a vine to annihilate at the side of our house, which has proven almost as stubborn as the ditch lilies. So that's one day taken care of.

I will be painting the doors, frames and cupboards upstairs. I wanted to do an interesting colour but white goes with everything else, so white it is. I'm not a very good painter, historically speaking, but that could be because painting while supervising two boys isn't a reasonable goal. I might be ten times improved if I'm here alone!

Two days down, three to go. I will be going to the gym every day, and actually getting long workouts. I've perfected the art of "efficient exercise," where I can burn 400 calories in 25 minutes. Think of what I could do if I had an hour. So my next goal for that week is to lose ten pounds.

I am going to take an entire day for scrap booking too. I've fallen horribly behind in both boys scrap books, and with eight hours I'm sure I can catch up. I will get up at 6, make coffee and get down to some serious cutting and pasting. That means I have to take a special trip first to develop recent pictures, but I can do that.

I still have two more days to fill, and since I've been complaining about lack of writing time, I have devoted those days to writing. I will again get up at 6 (hey, if I have the week to myself I'm not going to waste it by sleeping in) and start writing. I will stop writing to go to the gym or eat lunch, and maybe even make dinner, but that's it. Two whole days of just writing is the same as forever, because I'm used to grabbing five minutes here and ten minutes there.  So my final plan for the week is to write a novel.

That covers my day times. I've saved a little money for my upcoming anniversary, so P and I might go out for dinner once or twice. I might even talk him into some mini golf. If not, we can finish the Walking Dead series or something.

What would you do with an entire week to yourself at home? I have planned my ideal week, and I'm sorry to say it's probably boring to most of you but for me it will be perfect. Now I have to go and start planning for next summer, when my mom might take the kids again.....

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