Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Mommy's getting in shape

With everything going on this summer it's a wonder I've found time to breathe, let alone get to the gym. It's only because the YMCA makes child care so convenient that I've been able to get in some exercise. Oh, it's also because we've signed up for a year membership and I can't stand to waste money by not going. There are several programs for J's age group that are free so I don't have to pay for his child care too, and that's a bonus.

That said, it's still a struggle some days to schedule everything so we can make it. There are play dates, nap time and dinner preparation to work around, but I have been going at least three times a week. If it's only for twenty minutes, then I make it the most worthwhile twenty minutes I can.

I've also found easy ways to add to my minutes every day. I pulled my stationary bike out to the play room and will cycle for five minutes here and there. I try to get in fifteen that way. It also helps that J's in yoga now (read my yoga post for more on that) and he enjoys "teaching" me new poses. E finds yoga very amusing too, and he'll either stand and cheer for us or do the moves himself. His favourite is downward dog, while J's favourite is cobra. For the record, my favourite is the bosai tree. If I do situps, I can split up my three sets so it's no time at all to get them in. I also put E in his stroller sometimes and go for short walks. I limit this though, because I don't want to foster laziness. He is capable of walking so I believe he should walk, but when I need the activity I will strap him in for a short stroll.

I lost eight pounds in the first two weeks of going to the gym, but none since then. It's okay though, because I know it will come off and I am getting smaller. I feel better too. I have much more energy during the day and my clothes fit better.

It's hard to fit in time to get healthy, but for all you parents out there who want to and can't seem to find the time, you just need some creativity. If you don't have a gym membership, run in place for five minutes at home or around your backyard. It will make your kids laugh and encourage them to be active with you. Or do jumping jacks or pushups. If you can find six times to do this every day, all of a sudden you've put in half an hour of exercise.

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