So it's been two days since I've been on the computer, and that's an indication of how tired I am. The night before last, E was restless again and woke up several times before midnight, but settled easily. Then he was awake at 330am to stay. Yes, that's right. 330am. Ridiculous, isn't it? He even had a later bedtime, which I was hoping would help.
Last night was more like the start of this sleep program/project/experiment. He slept until 3am, then screamed the entire household awake. I changed his diaper, gave him a minute of snuggles, and put him back down. I told him it was bedtime, good night, and followed the normal bedtime routine. Then it was time to sit in the hallway and listen to him yell until 445am. That was fun. He woke for the day at 6.
Unrelated to E but related to the Mommy sleep factor, J has had two rough nights too. He has been up coughing at least twice each night, and last night he had a nightmare which morphed into sleepwalking and then a full-blown tantrum.
I cannot tally my sleep hours and minutes for the last two nights, but I can tell you with all certainty the number's not getting higher. I said I would do this for a week, but that's the standard time it takes for an average kid to develop a habit. My children are way above average in the stubbornness department, so maybe I'll give it two weeks. Hope I can make it.
Addendum: if you know where I live, coffee donations are always welcome!
This is my personal collection of parental knowledge and experience. Parenting has been one fun and educational journey so far, and I want to share my experiences and opinions with other parents. This is not a blog to tell you how to parent. This is for discussion, ideas, and sharing. You will find all sorts of ideas though to make your life a bit easier and your children happier. Try it out, and come back here often!
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