Sunday, 24 February 2013

Best Birthday party EVER!

So I know I'm not a teenager and I shouldn't emphasize anything in all CAPS lock, but in this case I can't help it. J's birthday party was awesome. Ten out of twelve invitees showed up, and one of his friends who couldn't make it brought over J's present early which was so sweet.

Once they were all here, I herded them into the basement to play some games. Long story short, we managed four games and the kids made their own goodie bags with a selection of dollar store stuff I had organized on the couch. I had more games planned, but I learned an important lesson. For every boy that is added to a group, the gravitational pull of Lego gets stronger by approximately 38%. I was impressed that they made it through four games though, so I gave in and let nature run its course.

We then had lunch, which consisted of ten kids sitting on our floor and eating noodles and hot dogs. We have hardwood floors, so it was easy to clean. Then LIall made cupcakes. I originally intended them to create Mater out of a cupcake, but gave them all the choice to decorate how they wished. The biggest shock was that five of them came up to me to tell me they'd had enough and didn't want a tummy ache later, so thanks for the cupcake but in the garbage it goes. WHAT? I mean it's great, but what?

We went sledding after, which was really fun. Of course there was quite a bit of yelling on my part because they all wanted to be the targets for the sleds, and they thought it was fantastic to be knocked over and go flying. Once I convinced them that broken necks wouldn't be fun, it went more smoothly.

All in all, it was a wonderful party and we want to do something similar next year. We had J's birthday at an indoor playground last year, and despite how much easier it was to have someone else set up and clean up, I feel so much better about planning it all myself. I had help of course, and a great big shout out and thank you to my husband, my sister, her husbtand, my neghbour and friend, and our babysitter (who I had the foresight to hire for the party). But the planning was all me, and I feel great that everyone had so much fun. I'm even toying with the idea of having a "for the heck of it party" this summer, but we'll see.

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